Giving Our Warriors a Reason to Smile

One Small Gift at a Time

Children who are undergoing treatment for childhood cancer are required to stay at Children’s Hospital for extended periods of time. While some children are inpatient for weeks or months on end, other children come several times a week, for procedures that can last upwards of 8 hours. No matter the length of the stay the time is stressful, frightening, and tiring.

The goal of Paxton’s Treat Cart is very simple: to give these brave warriors a small way to revel in their childhood. A childhood that is often lost amongst the unacceptable reality of childhood cancer. With your fundraising efforts, you are giving one of the most important gifts that can be given to a child fighting against cancer: a reason to smile.

What's On Paxton's Treat Cart

Appealing to boys and girls from 0-18 years old, Paxton’s Treat cart is filled with:

  • Books, Magazines, Puzzles
  • Stuffed Animals: tags must be attached
  • Candy: full sized bars, licorice ropes, gum, etc.
  • Arts & Crafts Supplies:- clay, sketch-books, colored pencils, stickers, etc.
  • Small Manicure Sets: nail polish, nail files, etc.
  • Electric Toothbrushes, Toothpaste
  • Chapstick, Lotion, Oils: Multi-ethnic, female, male
  • Infant Toys
  • Games: hand-held, travel-sized
  • Lego Sets, Action Figures
  • Flashlights, Night Lights
  • Water Bottles
  • Socks, Diapers
  • Cozy Blankets
  • Hats: sports teams, warm hats, fashion wear


Join Our Army

We are 100% volunteer run - which is why we need you. Each and every one of us has something special to offer these little warriors.

Get Involved

Whether you can commit to one event, or partner with us long-term, we would be honored to count you among Paxton’s Army of Love.

Spread PaxLove

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of all those fighting childhood cancer. Together, we can help more children.